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Pembaca SuperUser K.A. ingin tahu apa ikon folder Windows dengan panah biru ganda berarti:
While browsing through my Windows directory, I found the Panther subdirectory, which had this folder icon:
Apa yang dimaksud dengan ikon folder Windows dengan tanda panah biru ganda?
Kontributor SuperUser, Biswa memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
This means the folder is compressed. You can right-click on the folder and see that the Compress contents to save disk space option is checked.
The Panther folder is created when you first install Windows, or when you run the Media Creation Tool or Update Assistance Tool from Microsoft.
To get started, right-click the file, folder, or hard drive you want to compress/decompress and select Properties. Click the Advanced button under Attributes. Enable/Disable the Compress contents to save disk space option and click OK twice. If you enabled compression for a folder, Windows will also ask you whether or not you want to encrypt subfolders and files.
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Kredit Gambar: Biswa (SuperUser)