Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.
Pembaca SuperUser, Jian ingin mengetahui cara memantau permintaan yang dibuat oleh ekstensi Google Chrome:
Is there a way to monitor all the requests made by a Google Chrome extension in the same way that the Network panel monitors all the requests made by a webpage?
Bagaimana Anda memantau permintaan yang dibuat oleh ekstensi Google Chrome?
SuperUser contributor harrymc memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
You can monitor an extension in Google Chrome by:
1. Going to Settings
2. Selecting the Extensions Section
3. Checking the Developer Mode tick box in the top right corner of the page, which will change the display to look like this:
4. Click on the link next to the extension’s “Inspect Views” text
5. A Developer Tools window will open up where you can monitor the extension by selecting the Network Tab at the top
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