Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.
Pembaca SuperUser, Lumo5, ingin mengetahui berapa lama salinan tersimpan dari sebuah file akan tetap tersimpan dalam sejarah file setelah yang asli dihapus dari Windows 10:
When using File History in Windows 10 and deleting a file from your computer, how long will the saved copy remain in the backup folder?
Berapa lama salinan tersimpan dari file tetap dalam sejarah file setelah yang asli dihapus dari Windows 10?
Penyelia SuperUser, Fleet Command memiliki jawaban untuk kami:
It remains for as as long as you specify. As of Windows 10 (release version 1607), there are two places in which you can specify this.
First location: Control Panel -> System and Security -> File History -> Advanced Settings (the left pane)
Second location: Settings App -> Update & Security Tile (lower right) -> Backup (the left pane) -> More Options (hyperlink)
- 1 Month
- 3 Months
- 6 Months
- 9 Months
- 1 Year
- 2 Years
- Until Space is Needed
- Forever
Also, you can clean up old versions to make space using the Control Panel.
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Kredit Gambar: Armada Komando (SuperUser)