Bagaimana Anda Membuka Kembali Firewall Windows Prompt?

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Bagaimana Anda Membuka Kembali Firewall Windows Prompt?
Bagaimana Anda Membuka Kembali Firewall Windows Prompt?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Membuka Kembali Firewall Windows Prompt?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Membuka Kembali Firewall Windows Prompt?
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Jika Anda menyiapkan program baru yang memerlukan akses jaringan, tetapi tidak memperhatikan cukup dekat, Anda mungkin secara tidak sengaja menyebabkan firewall Windows memblokir program tersebut. Bagaimana Anda memperbaiki kesalahan seperti itu? Pos SuperUser Q & A saat ini membantu pembaca yang frustrasi memperbaiki sakit kepala firewall.
Jika Anda menyiapkan program baru yang memerlukan akses jaringan, tetapi tidak memperhatikan cukup dekat, Anda mungkin secara tidak sengaja menyebabkan firewall Windows memblokir program tersebut. Bagaimana Anda memperbaiki kesalahan seperti itu? Pos SuperUser Q & A saat ini membantu pembaca yang frustrasi memperbaiki sakit kepala firewall.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser Dims ingin tahu cara membuka kembali pemberitahuan persetujuan / penolakan Windows Firewall:

I ran a program that caused a Windows Firewall notification to pop up, but I did not stop to think and quickly clicked “Cancel”. Now my program crashes due to network errors. How can I reopen or access the notification message so that I can select the option to allow the program to have proper network access?


My question is not about how to add an exception to Windows Firewall because I do not know the exact “name” of the program that triggered the notification. Imagine I ran a script that started another script running, which in turn caused a program to run. Something in the process activated the firewall message that I unfortunately ignored.

Now the program is blocked and when I try running the script again, it malfunctions without any messages that would allow me to fix things. I need help to either find the program or to reopen/access the notification.

Bagaimana Anda membuka kembali Windows Firewall untuk menyetujui / menolak pemberitahuan?


Kontributor SuperUser DavidPostill memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:

How do I Find Out Which Program was Blocked?

Changes to the Windows Firewall rule set are logged in the “Application and Services” event logs. You can inspect the logs (which includes the date and time of events) to see what rules were added around the time you installed the program. With this information, you can remove the rule or create an appropriate exception in the firewall.

Viewing Firewall and IPsec Events in Event Viewer


Source: Viewing Firewall and IPsec Events in Event Viewer

What Event is Triggered When a Rule is Added?

“4946: A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added.” For example:


Source: Windows Security Log Event ID 4946

Further Reading

Windows Security Log Events

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