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Pembaca SuperUser Ahli liturgi ingin tahu cara membuat subfolder dalam konteks "Menu" kirim ke Windows Explorer:
I have many “send to” destinations in my context menu and would like to create “send to” subfolders for them as well. When I try, it will only create a real folder in the “send to” menu. When I select an item from the listings in the “send to” part of the context menu, I want it to expand out into a list of “send to” subfolder destinations for that item. Is this possible?
Bagaimana Anda membuat subfolder dalam konteks Windows Explorer "kirim ke" menu?
Pengguna Kontributor SuperUser memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
An alternative approach for your reference:
Save the following as *.reg and import it to the registry (adapted from Sully at Wilders Security):
Add Cascading Menus for Programs in Desktop and My Computer Context Menus in Windows 7 and Later [AskVG]
Context menus in Windows and DOpus not always the same [Directory Opus Resource Center]
Addendum: Pseudo-Folder Menu
Save as C:copy.js:
Invoke Windows Copy from PowerShell [StackOverflow]
Folder.CopyHere Method [Windows Dev Center – MSDN]
Cascading Context Menus via Static Registry Entries and ExtendedSubCommandsKey in Windows 7 [IO-Repo]
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Kredit Gambar: Menu Konteks Konteks - tamu (SuperUser)