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Pembaca SuperUser, kosinix ingin tahu mengapa komputer tidak dapat sepenuhnya boot secara instan:
Computers have been around for quite some time. So what is stopping us from making computers boot instantly like regular home appliances and other devices? Is it even possible? I know there are ‘Hibernate’ and ‘Sleep’ options, but those aren’t really ‘real boot’.
Mengapa komputer tidak dapat melakukan boot secara instan? Dengan perangkat keras yang lebih baik dan lebih kuat yang tersedia saat ini, dan perbaikan sistem operasi yang berkelanjutan, orang akan berpikir bahwa komputer dapat sepenuhnya boot jauh lebih cepat daripada yang mereka lakukan hari ini.
Kontributor SuperUser ckhan memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
Computers are state machines. The problem is that the initial condition the computer starts with (which is, literally, instant) is not very useful to you and me. (Even after the first electron moves.)
What is useful to you and me is many millions of steps further down that ‘state machine’. The easiest way for developers to describe that state is to define it in programs, and those programs will always take more than ‘zero time’ to run.
Now you might say: “Fine, but can’t you cache the ‘first-usable-state’ and start there?” And you could, and it does. It’s (roughly) what resume from ‘Sleep’ is, and which is why it’s not very fair, I think, to “exclude” resume from a discussion of improving boot times.
Sementara waktu booting pasti telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dan akan terus meningkat seiring waktu, ada, dan akan selalu banyak terjadi di 'layar belakang' setiap kali Anda memulai komputer favorit Anda.
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