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Screenshot courtesy of HDGraph.
Pembaca SuperUser, Archa ingin tahu bagaimana mengetahui jenis data apa yang lambat, tapi pasti, memakan ruang disk di komputernya:
For weeks and probably months, I have regularly checked to see how much disk space is still available on my Windows 8.1 system. Over the past few weeks, I have mysteriously lost almost seven GB of disk space (going from 850 GB to 843 GB).
Of note, I recently stopped a computer update, which took up approximately six GB of space. This update appeared to have stalled and never completed installing. I do not download any software and only download a few pictures now and then. Yet, the amount of available disk space still appears to be slowly dropping.
How can I determine where this additional data is coming from?
Bagaimana Anda mengetahui jenis data apa yang memakan ruang disk di komputer Anda?
Kontributor SuperUser Maximillian Laumeister memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
To figure out what is using up disk space on your computer, use a piece of software that scans the disk and shows all your directories by size.
If you like pie graphs, use HDGraph. It presents your disk usage in a circular pie chart form:
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