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Pembaca SuperUser M.Hesse ingin tahu bagaimana menyingkirkan semua tanda nomor (#) kesalahan di Microsoft Excel pada saat yang bersamaan:
When using Microsoft Excel, I usually solve ##### errors by double-clicking the offending column headers. This can become a bit tedious, however, when there are multiple columns displaying the errors at the same time. Is there a quicker way to resolve this?
Bagaimana Anda menyingkirkan semua kesalahan tanda nomor di Microsoft Excel pada saat yang bersamaan?
Kontributor Superuser, Justin, Raystafarian, dan boflynn memiliki jawabannya untuk kami. Pertama, Justin:
You can auto-size multiple columns at the same time by double-clicking, just like you do with a single column.
Step 1. Select Multiple Columns
Either select all columns by clicking on the arrow in the upper-left corner:
Step 2. Auto-Size Selected Columns
Now double-click on the right boundary of any of the selected columns when your cursor changes to the column-resizing double arrow:
Diikuti oleh jawaban dari Raystafarian:
Yes, on the ribbon go to Home, Cells, and click Format. Once there, you can choose to AutoFit either the Row Height and/or Column Width.
Dengan jawaban akhir kami dari boflynn:
For keyboard ninjas, here is a technique that does not require a mouse:
- Select All – Control + A or Control + Shift + 8.
- AutoFit Columns – Hold Alt, then press in sequence O, C, A. You can let go of Alt after you press O.
This feature, called Office Access Keys, is a holdover from the pre-ribbon days. If you have memorized the old menus, you can continue to access them this way. In this case, the navigation was:
- Format (O)
- Column (C)
- AutoFit (A)
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