Berapa Sebenarnya Kecepatan SATA 3?

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Berapa Sebenarnya Kecepatan SATA 3?
Berapa Sebenarnya Kecepatan SATA 3?

Video: Berapa Sebenarnya Kecepatan SATA 3?

Video: Berapa Sebenarnya Kecepatan SATA 3?
Video: AKUN BERHASIL BALIK PAKE FORMULIR BARU! Cara Mengembalikan Akun Facebook 2023 - YouTube 2024, Mungkin
Ketika meneliti tentang kecepatan SATA 3, ‚Äpresentasikan kecepatan‚Äù dan‚ Äactactual result‚Äù terasa berbeda, jadi apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? Pos SuperUser Super & Layanan saat ini membantu pembaca yang penasaran untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang cara kerja SATA 3.
Ketika meneliti tentang kecepatan SATA 3, ‚Äpresentasikan kecepatan‚Äù dan‚ Äactactual result‚Äù terasa berbeda, jadi apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? Pos SuperUser Super & Layanan saat ini membantu pembaca yang penasaran untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang cara kerja SATA 3.

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Foto milik GiocoVisione (Flickr).


Pembaca SuperUser, Space Ghost ingin mengetahui apa sebenarnya kecepatan SATA 3:

Google says it is running at 6 Gb/s. The throughput is at 600 MB/s. 600 MB/s equals 4.8 Gb/s. Does this mean that the bandwidth is 6 Gb/s, but the actual throughput is 4.8 Gb/s ?

Berapa kecepatan sebenarnya dari SATA 3?


Kontributor SuperUser MariusMatutiae memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:

Does this mean that the bandwidth is 6Gb/s, but the actual throughput is 4.8 Gb/s ?

Yes it does. It is interesting to understand why.

While data is actually sent at 6 Gb/s, it is encoded to counteract two common defects in telecommunications, DC Bias and Clock Recovery. This is often accomplished using a specific coding algorithm called 8b/10b Encoding. It is not the only encoding algorithm which has been devised to this end (there is also a Manchester encoding), but it has become the de facto standard for SATA data transfer.

In 8b/10b encoding, eight bits of signal are replaced by 10 bits of (signal + code). This means that, out of the 6 Gb the channel sends in a second, only 8/10 (4/5) are signal. 4/5’s of 6 Gb is 4.8 Gb, which in turn equals 600 MB. This is what degrades the 6 Gb/s channel into a mere(?) 600 MB/s channel.

The advantages obtained by compensating for DC bias and allowing for Clock Recovery more than compensate for this slight degradation.

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