Bagaimana cara memasukkan baris baru di Excel melalui Keyboard?

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Bagaimana cara memasukkan baris baru di Excel melalui Keyboard?
Bagaimana cara memasukkan baris baru di Excel melalui Keyboard?

Video: Bagaimana cara memasukkan baris baru di Excel melalui Keyboard?

Video: Bagaimana cara memasukkan baris baru di Excel melalui Keyboard?
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Jika Anda seorang ninja keyboard, maka Anda benci harus memindahkan tangan Anda dari keyboard untuk alasan apa pun kecuali tidak ada pilihan lain. Pos SuperUser Q & A saat ini menyediakan banyak cara untuk membantu pembaca yang frustrasi tetap menggunakan keyboard saat menggunakan Microsoft Excel.
Jika Anda seorang ninja keyboard, maka Anda benci harus memindahkan tangan Anda dari keyboard untuk alasan apa pun kecuali tidak ada pilihan lain. Pos SuperUser Q & A saat ini menyediakan banyak cara untuk membantu pembaca yang frustrasi tetap menggunakan keyboard saat menggunakan Microsoft Excel.

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Pembaca SuperUser jstricker ingin tahu cara menyisipkan baris baru di Excel menggunakan keyboard, bukan mouse:

Right-clicking on a row and selecting insert is fairly time consuming. I would rather not have to take my hands off the keyboard. How can I insert a new row above my current row using only the keyboard? I am primarily interested in inserting a single row at a time, but would also be interested in answers that address inserting multiple rows at a time.

Apakah ada cara mudah untuk memasukkan baris baru di Excel menggunakan keyboard?


Kontributor SuperUser jstricker, ATG, KRyan, BillOer, dan assylias memiliki jawaban untuk kami. Pertama, jstricker:

There are two options that I am aware of and both (unfortunately) require two steps.

Option 1

  1. With a single cell selected, hit Shift + Space to select the row.
  2. Hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row above the current row.

Option 2

  1. With a single cell selected, hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row.
  2. Hit Enter to accept the default of Shift Cells Down.

If inserting many rows at once, I think the first option is the best since you can repeat the second step without having to re-select the row.

Diikuti oleh jawaban dari ATG:

The following keyboard shortcut will insert one row above the active cell’s row:

Press Alt + I (Insert), then press R (Row).

On personal computers, use the Keyboard Right-Click Key to emulate a right-click on the current selection.

Additional note from ATG: Substituting C for R will insert a new column.

Lalu jawaban dari KRYAN:

It is worth noting that this is a sequence, not necessarily keys to be pressed simultaneously (see answer from ATG above). You can type Alt, then I, then R and get the same effect.

Dilanjutkan dengan jawaban dari BillOer:

You can also select multiple rows and then right-click to insert rows, or you can insert one row and then use Ctrl + Y as many times as you need to insert rows. If you format your spreadsheet as a table, you do not even need to worry about copying your formulas.

Dan jawaban akhir kami dari assylias:

On Windows I use:

  1. Shift + Space to select the current row.
  2. Keyboard Right-Click Key + I to insert a row.

(*) The Keyboard Right-Click Key looks like this:


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