Apakah Menjaga Windows 7 Diperbarui Membuat Perangkat Lunak Anti-Virus Tidak Diperlukan?

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Apakah Menjaga Windows 7 Diperbarui Membuat Perangkat Lunak Anti-Virus Tidak Diperlukan?
Apakah Menjaga Windows 7 Diperbarui Membuat Perangkat Lunak Anti-Virus Tidak Diperlukan?

Video: Apakah Menjaga Windows 7 Diperbarui Membuat Perangkat Lunak Anti-Virus Tidak Diperlukan?

Video: Apakah Menjaga Windows 7 Diperbarui Membuat Perangkat Lunak Anti-Virus Tidak Diperlukan?
Video: 10 Tanda Pasti Seseorang Sedang Meretas Ponselmu - YouTube 2024, Mungkin
Jika Anda baru mengenal komputer, Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya apakah memiliki perangkat lunak anti-virus benar-benar diperlukan jika Anda terus memperbarui sistem. Apakah pembaruan cukup untuk menjaga sistem tetap aman? Posting SuperUser Q & A saat ini membahas situasi untuk membantu pengguna komputer baru membuat keputusan yang tepat.
Jika Anda baru mengenal komputer, Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya apakah memiliki perangkat lunak anti-virus benar-benar diperlukan jika Anda terus memperbarui sistem. Apakah pembaruan cukup untuk menjaga sistem tetap aman? Posting SuperUser Q & A saat ini membahas situasi untuk membantu pengguna komputer baru membuat keputusan yang tepat.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser John Sonderson ingin mengetahui apakah menyimpan Windows 7 yang diperbarui cukup untuk tetap aman atau jika dia juga harus menginstal perangkat lunak anti-virus:

I was thinking, given that I keep Windows 7 regularly updated through Windows Update, does this make having anti-virus software installed a useless gesture? I may well be a naive user, but it seems to me that if security concerns are found, then any patches to the operating system to close those security holes should solve the problem.

So, if my Windows 7 system is up to date via Windows Update, and I do not use an administrator account (but a restricted account instead), do I still need anti-virus software?

Apakah menjaga sistem Windows 7-nya diperbarui melalui Pemutakhiran Windows cukup untuk menjaga sistemnya tetap aman, atau haruskah dia menginstal perangkat lunak anti-virus juga?


Kontributor SuperUser Scott Chamberlain dan Frank Thomas punya jawabannya untuk kami. Pertama, Scott Chamberlain:

Updates to Windows will not protect you from software that you yourself have run. If you are tricked into running a malicious program, it can unleash its payload.

You also state, “…if I keep myself logged in as a regular user without administrative privileges” but get a UAC prompt from a program and type in the administrator credentials, it does not matter that you are a regular user.
You also state, “…if I keep myself logged in as a regular user without administrative privileges” but get a UAC prompt from a program and type in the administrator credentials, it does not matter that you are a regular user.

Windows Update does not protect you from bugs in other software like your web browser (unless you are using Internet Explorer), so a virus could get in that way (which anti-virus software would have blocked).

Lastly, even if the program never gets administrative privileges and does not use any exploits in Windows, there are still plenty of bad things it can do within the bounds of a restricted user account. A non-elevated program can read almost all the files on your hard-drive and send that information anywhere it wants. If you have any valuable information on your hard-drive, the malware author now has a copy of that information as well.

Diikuti oleh jawaban dari Frank Thomas:

No. Windows Update often patches vulnerabilities used by worms and viruses, but rarely affects a trojan’s ability to mess you over. Additionally, lots of bad software can affect you and your user profile without administrative privileges. Back in 2010, we were removing fake anti-virus apps from systems where no admin had ever logged in.

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