Bisakah Dua Drive Terhubung melalui Hub USB Memotong Komputer Saat Berbagi Data?

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Bisakah Dua Drive Terhubung melalui Hub USB Memotong Komputer Saat Berbagi Data?
Bisakah Dua Drive Terhubung melalui Hub USB Memotong Komputer Saat Berbagi Data?

Video: Bisakah Dua Drive Terhubung melalui Hub USB Memotong Komputer Saat Berbagi Data?

Video: Bisakah Dua Drive Terhubung melalui Hub USB Memotong Komputer Saat Berbagi Data?
Video: Make Any ISO Image Bootable From HDD - YouTube 2024, Mungkin
Jika Anda memiliki beberapa hard drive yang terhubung ke hub USB, apakah data yang disalin bergerak melalui komputer terlebih dahulu atau langsung melalui hub USB itu sendiri? Posting SuperUser Q & A saat ini memiliki jawaban atas pertanyaan pembaca yang ingin tahu.
Jika Anda memiliki beberapa hard drive yang terhubung ke hub USB, apakah data yang disalin bergerak melalui komputer terlebih dahulu atau langsung melalui hub USB itu sendiri? Posting SuperUser Q & A saat ini memiliki jawaban atas pertanyaan pembaca yang ingin tahu.

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Foto milik itBox24 (Flickr).


Pembaca SuperUser IAmJulianAcosta ingin tahu apakah dua drive yang terhubung dengan hub USB dapat mentransfer data secara langsung melalui hub USB dan benar-benar melewati komputer:

If I connect two USB drives to an external hub and I copy data from one drive to the other, does the data go through the computer or will the USB hub manage the data? Does this have some performance benefit?

Rute apa yang akan diambil data saat disalin dari satu drive USB ke yang lain?


Penyumbang super User, lzam, Luu Vinh Phuc, dan fixer1234 memiliki jawabannya untuk kami. Pertama, lzam:

No, this will not work. All the data you are copying will need to be read by the computer from the source drive before it is copied to the target drive.

If anything, having two hard-drives connected to the same USB hub might slow things down. If you have multiple devices connected to the hub, they have to share the bandwidth.

Diikuti oleh jawaban dari Luu Vinh Phuc:

USB is a host-driven protocol, not a peer-to-peer standard like firewire. Drives are just devices, they are not hosts that control or decide anything. Without the host, they cannot even interact with the outside world.

Assuming that you can connect the two drives like that, how will they know which files and/or folders you want to copy? How will they know which drive to copy from and will they overwrite duplicated files? How will they behave if the drives are full?

Dan jawaban akhir kami dari fixer1234:

A USB hub is just a way to share a connection to the computer when you do not have enough USB ports for all the devices you want to connect. Devices connected to the computer through a USB hub never talk to each other. The USB hub ensures that traffic between the computer and the connected devices goes to and from the right device as if each was literally connected to a USB port on the computer.

There is no performance benefit and there may be a performance detriment. The USB hub itself is connected to the computer through a USB connection, so everything connected to the USB hub has to share the bandwidth of that connection. Hard-drives can consume a lot of the USB hub’s bandwidth and affect the performance of other devices attached to the USB hub. You generally do not want to connect hard-drives through a USB hub at all because of that.

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