Pinball 3D adalah salah satu permainan paling populer di mana pun Windows XP mesin. Pernah bertanya-tanya mengapa Microsoft memutuskan untuk membatalkannya dari versi Windows berikutnya? Sebagian besar berspekulasi bahwa alasannya adalah legal, tetapi bukan itu masalahnya.
Sementara porting beberapa juta baris kode dari 32-bit ke 64-bit Windows, satu program yang mendapat masalah adalah Pinball.
The 64-bit version of Pinball had a pretty nasty bug where the ball would simply pass through other objects like a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the ball would be delivered to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall towards the bottom of the screen, through the plunger, and out the bottom of the table. Games tended to be really short. Two of us tried to debug the program to figure out what was going on, but given that this was code written several years earlier by an outside company, and that nobody at Microsoft ever understood how the code worked (much less still understood it), and that most of the code was completely uncommented, we simply couldn’t figure out why the collision detector was not working. Heck, we couldn’t even find the collision detector! We had several million lines of code still to port, so we couldn’t afford to spend days studying the code trying to figure out what obscure floating point rounding error was causing collision detection to fail. We just made the executive decision right there to drop Pinball from the product, says a blog post on MSDN.
Meskipun orang selalu dapat menambahkan Pinball ke versi Windows berikutnya, itu tidak disarankan.
Pengguna Windows 8 sekarang dapat memeriksa permainan Pinball FX2, dan memberi tahu kami bagaimana Anda pikir itu membandingkan dengan game Pinball asli. Ada aplikasi game Pinball lain untuk Windows 10 yang tersedia juga.
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