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Pembaca pengguna SuperUser602675 ingin tahu apakah mungkin untuk meningkatkan volume file mp3 tanpa kehilangan:
I want to increase the volume of some mp3 files that I have. Are there any methods of doing this in a lossless way without recompressing the mp3 files and thus decreasing their quality?
Bisakah Anda tanpa ragu meningkatkan volume file mp3?
Kontributor SuperUser Mokubai memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:
Yes, you can do this. The technique is used by a number of programs and the levels are calculated by an algorithm called ReplayGain. MP3 volume level data can be adjusted losslessly, just as a JPEG picture can be losslessly rotated. There are two methods:
- Calculate the volume level of the file and add a new tag, letting compatible programs adjust the volume on the fly.
- Calculate the volume level and adjust a multiplier level in the mp3’s data.
From HydrogenAudio (Implementations):
A program called MP3Gain can perform the second option and reversibly adjust the volume of mp3s. It does absolutely no re-encoding and simply adjusts magnitude values in the mp3 file itself to change the volume.
From HydrogenAudio (ReplayGain):
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Kredit Gambar: uzi978 (Flickr)