Ratusan pengguna Hotmail mengeluh bahwa e-mail mereka telah dihapus. Banyak yang mengeluh bahwa setelah masuk, mereka menemukan bahwa beberapa atau semua foto pribadi mereka dan data berharga lainnya telah hilang.
Kata HelpNow88:
I have used this email for 7-8 years now, being my main source of communication. Yesterday, I checked my inbox to see that everything has been deleted which includes everything in my inbox, drafts, and sent folder. I check my email daily, and when I checked it last night my inbox was empty except for one unread message which was titled “Getting Started with Windows Live Hotmail” from the Hotmail Team.
Microsoft menyadari masalah ini dan mereka telah mengeluarkan pernyataan berikut:
At this point it appears to be a limited issue, and Microsoft is working with individual users who are impacted. We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers.
Anda dapat melihat banyak utas seperti ini di Forum Windows Live.
Yah, saya kira, itu selalu ide yang baik membuat cadangan surat penting ke tempat lain, terlepas dari penyedia layanan email Anda. Jika Anda belum melakukannya, ini sebagus kapan saja untuk memulai!
Perbarui 1 dari Microsoft:
We have identified the source of the issue and are working to restore email access to those who have been affected. We expect the process to take several hours and will post an update as soon as it is complete. We sincerely apologize and thank you for your… continued patience. More here.
Perbarui 2: Masalah akses email Hotmail sekarang diselesaikan mengatakan Microsoft.