Apakah Shutting Down Windows dari Command Prompt Cause Damage?

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Apakah Shutting Down Windows dari Command Prompt Cause Damage?
Apakah Shutting Down Windows dari Command Prompt Cause Damage?

Video: Apakah Shutting Down Windows dari Command Prompt Cause Damage?

Video: Apakah Shutting Down Windows dari Command Prompt Cause Damage?
Sebagian besar dari kita menggunakan Start Menu untuk mematikan sistem Windows kita, tetapi apakah mungkin menyebabkan kerusakan jika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan Command Line sebagai gantinya? Adakah perintah tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sementara yang lainnya tidak? Pos SuperUser T & J sekarang memiliki jawaban atas pertanyaan pembaca yang khawatir.
Sebagian besar dari kita menggunakan Start Menu untuk mematikan sistem Windows kita, tetapi apakah mungkin menyebabkan kerusakan jika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan Command Line sebagai gantinya? Adakah perintah tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sementara yang lainnya tidak? Pos SuperUser T & J sekarang memiliki jawaban atas pertanyaan pembaca yang khawatir.

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Screenshot courtesy of Acid Pix (Flickr).


Pembaca SuperUser FlipFloop ingin tahu apakah menggunakan Windows CMD untuk mematikan komputer dapat menyebabkan kerusakan:

When you launch shutdown -i to shut down a computer via the command prompt (CMD), does it damage the computer that is being turned off (either locally or remotely)?

Apakah menggunakan Windows CMD untuk mematikan komputer menyebabkan kerusakan?


Penyumbang super User Marco Bonelli dan LPChip memiliki jawabannya untuk kami. Pertama, Marco Bonelli:

The shutdown command in Windows performs a normal shutdown/reboot/logoff on the computer (locally or remotely). If you closed all of your running programs and saved your files, there is no difference between running any shutdown command (with any parameter) or using the Windows interface via the Start Menu. The command does not damage the computer or file system in any way.

More About Running Programs

If any programs preventing the shutdown are running, Windows will automatically try to terminate them and, if that is not possible, will prompt you about it. The only problem you can have here arises with programs performing unsaved changes to files. If they provide an automatic recovery of improperly closed sessions like Microsoft Office for example, they will save their state to recover it on the next start, otherwise you will lose the unsaved data.

Dilanjutkan dengan jawaban dari LPChip:

No, it will not. When you use the Start Menu to shut down a computer, it will also use the same shutdown command, just with different parameters.

The shutdown -i option was made to expose features that the Windows Start Menu does not offer without use of the Command Line. For example, shutdown -i can be used to send a shutdown command to another computer.

In the same fashion that shutdown -i will not damage your computer, neither will shutdown -s -t 0.

There is also the -f option, which is used to force a shutdown. This will not damage your Windows system, but it may cause any unsaved data (such as an unsaved open word document) to be lost.

Normally, Windows will show you a dialog of some sort like, “There is a program preventing shutdown. Do you want to cancel or continue anyway?” A timeout will eventually abort the shutdown. With the -f option, instead of showing you the message, it will assume that you wish to continue anyway and close any remaining programs.

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