Apa Perbedaan Antara BIOS dan Firmware?

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Apa Perbedaan Antara BIOS dan Firmware?
Apa Perbedaan Antara BIOS dan Firmware?

Video: Apa Perbedaan Antara BIOS dan Firmware?

Video: Apa Perbedaan Antara BIOS dan Firmware?
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Ketika seseorang baru saja masuk ke komputer, ada banyak kosakata baru untuk dipelajari dan kadang-kadang semuanya bisa sedikit membingungkan. Ambillah syarat BIOS dan Firmware, misalnya, apakah itu berarti hal yang sama atau berbeda? Posting SuperUser Q & A sekarang hadir untuk membantu pembaca yang bingung dengan terminologi.
Ketika seseorang baru saja masuk ke komputer, ada banyak kosakata baru untuk dipelajari dan kadang-kadang semuanya bisa sedikit membingungkan. Ambillah syarat BIOS dan Firmware, misalnya, apakah itu berarti hal yang sama atau berbeda? Posting SuperUser Q & A sekarang hadir untuk membantu pembaca yang bingung dengan terminologi.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.

Foto milik John C Bullas (Flickr).


Pembaca SuperUser Koray Tugay ingin tahu apa perbedaan antara BIOS dan Firmware adalah:

Could anyone elaborate on what the difference between BIOS and Firmware is please?

Apa perbedaan antara BIOS dan Firmware?


Superuser kontributor malakrsnaslava dan Tonny memiliki jawabannya untuk kami. Pertama, malakrsnaslava:

BIOS is Firmware for computers. As you continue to read and learn about computers, you will gain understanding about BIOS, UEFI, EFI, and so on.

BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and also known as System BIOS, ROM BIOS, or PC BIOS. It is a type of Firmware used during the booting process (power-on/start up) on IBM PC compatible computers. BIOS Firmware is built into PCs, and it is the first software they run when powered on. The name itself originates from the Basic Input/Output System used in the CP/M operating system in 1975.

Firmware is a combination of persistent memory, program code, and the data stored in it. Typical examples of devices containing Firmware are embedded systems such as traffic lights, consumer appliances, digital watches, computers, computer peripherals, mobile phones, and digital cameras. The Firmware contained in these devices provides the control program for the device.

Dilanjutkan dengan jawaban dari Tonny:

As others have already stated, BIOS is the specific name for the motherboard Firmware in older PCs. New computers these days have a technically and somewhat different kind of Firmware called UEFI or EFI.

Please note that any computer will also contain other Firmware (besides BIOS/UEFI/EFI). Network cards, video cards, raid controllers, hard-drives, flash drives, SSDs, and sound cards (just to name a few) can all have Firmware embedded inside.

Weirdly enough, the Firmware for video cards is often called video BIOS. This is technically incorrect. BIOS is only appropriate for referring to the start up Firmware of the motherboard itself.

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