Apa Slot Slot RAM Warna di Motherboard Berarti?

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Apa Slot Slot RAM Warna di Motherboard Berarti?
Apa Slot Slot RAM Warna di Motherboard Berarti?

Video: Apa Slot Slot RAM Warna di Motherboard Berarti?

Video: Apa Slot Slot RAM Warna di Motherboard Berarti?
Video: UEFI Explained: Windows 10/11 and UEFI - YouTube 2024, Mungkin
Kuning dan oranye, biru dan hitam, hijau dan merah: Anda akan menemukan slot RAM pada motherboard di semua jenis pasangan warna. Tapi apa sebenarnya arti pasangan itu dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap Anda ketika membangun sistem atau meningkatkan rig Anda saat ini?
Kuning dan oranye, biru dan hitam, hijau dan merah: Anda akan menemukan slot RAM pada motherboard di semua jenis pasangan warna. Tapi apa sebenarnya arti pasangan itu dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap Anda ketika membangun sistem atau meningkatkan rig Anda saat ini?

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami hak milik sub divisi SuperUser—a Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs Q & A berbasis komunitas. Gambar milik penanya pertanyaan, Totymedli.


Pembaca SuperUser, Totymedli ingin tahu tentang kode warna dari slot RAM:

I have always seen that the motherboard RAM slots are colored in pairs, but never knew what it meant. I just put the 2 RAM in, and after a few tries it always worked. But after I tried to install a third one it always throws me a blue screen of death. Is there an order how should I install RAM to the board? What do the colors mean? Do they indicate a performance boost opportunity or are they just a guide for installation?

Apa solusi untuk masalah pemasangan layar biru nya?


Kontributor SuperUser Enigma memecahkan kode:

It means that the colored pair is a dual channel set and that you should install RAM as a pair to take advantage of it.

You should install 2 of the same sticks as a matching pair on the same color slots and then another 2 that are the same in the remaining two slots.

Ideally you want to have all memory be identical in a system or else you will end up with some memory being potentially downclocked (or voltage/multiplier) to the lowest common denominator.

Further reading:

Tom’s Hardware Forum: How to Install Dual Channel [Memory]?

Hardware Secrets: Everything You Need to Know About Dual-, Triple-, and Quad-Channel Memory Architectures

Sayangnya skema pairing warna tidak distandardisasi pada motherboard yang lebih tua (yang lebih baru tampaknya secara konsisten mematuhi aturan warna-mengindikasikan-memori-channel, meskipun).

Oleh karena itu, saran Ecnerwal tentang pentingnya memeriksa manual dengan hati-hati tidak boleh diabaikan:

The colors are nicely answered by Enigma. As for:

But after I tried to install a third one it always throws me a blue screen of death. Is there an order how should I install RAM to the board?

The answer is Yes, there is an order, and the details are found in your motherboard manual, which nearly always has detailed instructions for what order the memory slots should be filled, and which configurations will work, so you can simply put it in once and have it work, rather than:

I just put the 2 RAM in, and after a few tries it always worked.

Seperti dalam semua hal yang berkaitan dengan elektronik dan bangunan komputer, membaca manual terlebih dahulu dan menghindari layar biru kematian (atau, yang lebih buruk, perusakan perangkat keras) selalu lebih disukai daripada coba-coba. Jika ragu, referensi manual.

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