Mengapa Tidak Semua File Search Tool Gunakan Tabel File Master untuk Hasil Instan?

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Mengapa Tidak Semua File Search Tool Gunakan Tabel File Master untuk Hasil Instan?
Mengapa Tidak Semua File Search Tool Gunakan Tabel File Master untuk Hasil Instan?

Video: Mengapa Tidak Semua File Search Tool Gunakan Tabel File Master untuk Hasil Instan?

Video: Mengapa Tidak Semua File Search Tool Gunakan Tabel File Master untuk Hasil Instan?
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 Pencarian berbasis tabel file sangat cepat, jadi mengapa tidak disertakan dalam setiap alat pencarian utama? Baca terus selagi kami menyelidikinya.
Pencarian berbasis tabel file sangat cepat, jadi mengapa tidak disertakan dalam setiap alat pencarian utama? Baca terus selagi kami menyelidikinya.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami hak milik sub divisi SuperUser—a Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser Dan Dascalescu penasaran mengapa semua pencarian tidak berdasarkan tabel:

I’ve just discovered UltraSearch and was blown away by its file and folder search speed. It’s instantaneous. And doesn’t use any indexing service. It simply uses the NTFS Master File Table, which already stores all the filenames on the NTFS partition.

The question is, why isn’t this capability way more popular among file managers, and Windows Explorer Search (Win+F) to begin with?

Kami cukup yakin ini adalah reaksi dari setiap pengguna komputer saat pertama kali menemukan betapa cepatnya pencarian berbasis file file yang cepat. Jadi mengapa tidak dibangun menjadi segalanya?


Kontributor SuperUser Mehrdad menjelaskan mengapa penelusuran tingkat rendah tidak pernah tertangkap:

Because of Security!

That’s the real reason. (And the only real reason, in my opinion - it’s not that hard to make a reader for major file systems, although it’s by no means easy; making a writer is the real challenge.)

A program like this bypasses the entire (file) system’s security infrastructure, so only an administrator (or someone else who has “Manage Volume” privileges) can actually run it.

So obviously, it wouldn’t work in many scenarios - and I don’t think Microsoft (or any other big company) would ever consider making a product like this and then encouraging users to run as administrators, because of the security ramifications.

It would be theoretically possible to make a system which runs in the background and filters out secured data, but in practice it would be a lot of work to get correct and without security holes for production.

By the way I haven’t used UltraSearch, but I’d written a very similar program myself a few years ago which I open-sourced just last month! Check it out if you’re interested.:)

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