Bagaimana saya dapat Mengamankan Laptop tanpa Slot Kabel Keamanan?

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Bagaimana saya dapat Mengamankan Laptop tanpa Slot Kabel Keamanan?
Bagaimana saya dapat Mengamankan Laptop tanpa Slot Kabel Keamanan?

Video: Bagaimana saya dapat Mengamankan Laptop tanpa Slot Kabel Keamanan?

Video: Bagaimana saya dapat Mengamankan Laptop tanpa Slot Kabel Keamanan?
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Secara historis laptop termasuk slot di samping untuk memasang kabel keamanan - seperti yang terlihat di foto di sini - tetapi laptop yang semakin ramping seperti ultrabook menghilangkan slot kunci dari desain case mereka. Bagaimana Anda benar-benar mengamankan laptop tanpa laptop?
Secara historis laptop termasuk slot di samping untuk memasang kabel keamanan - seperti yang terlihat di foto di sini - tetapi laptop yang semakin ramping seperti ultrabook menghilangkan slot kunci dari desain case mereka. Bagaimana Anda benar-benar mengamankan laptop tanpa laptop?

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami hak milik sub divisi SuperUser—a Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser Kiranu perlu mengamankan laptop yang dapat diakses oleh publik:

My company is planning to buy several laptops for demonstration purposes in a convention stand. Previously, we always bought laptops that have Kensington slots for the typical cable locks.

Now, the laptop we are liking most is an ultrabook with no Kensington slot, and we are looking for a mechanism that does not need the slot.

Bagaimana mereka dapat mengamankan laptop tanpa slot kunci tradisional?


Kontributor SuperUser, Carl B. menyarankan sistem kunci modern yang dirancang untuk laptop ramping dan ultrabook:

It would seem that Kensington has identified the lack of a lock slot on ultrabooks and the like. They have a solution:

That they sell here: Security Slot Adapter Kit for Ultrabook™ and at the time of this post, it seems reasonably priced at $12.99 US.
That they sell here: Security Slot Adapter Kit for Ultrabook™ and at the time of this post, it seems reasonably priced at $12.99 US.

Bagi mereka yang tidak ingin menempelkan sesuatu ke ultrabook mereka yang ramping, Shinrai menawarkan solusi berikut:

Kensington does have a device that actually locks arms in place around the screens…depending on the exact laptop in question it may interfere with the visuals, though. They claim it will work on any standard 13″-17″ laptop.’
Kensington does have a device that actually locks arms in place around the screens…depending on the exact laptop in question it may interfere with the visuals, though. They claim it will work on any standard 13″-17″ laptop.’

Kensington Laptop Locking Station

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