Bagaimana Anda Menyalin Teks yang Dihapus di Microsoft Word?

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Bagaimana Anda Menyalin Teks yang Dihapus di Microsoft Word?
Bagaimana Anda Menyalin Teks yang Dihapus di Microsoft Word?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Menyalin Teks yang Dihapus di Microsoft Word?

Video: Bagaimana Anda Menyalin Teks yang Dihapus di Microsoft Word?
Video: How to Edit Context Menu in Windows - YouTube 2024, Mungkin
Mampu memiliki Microsoft Word melacak perubahan yang Anda buat saat Anda melakukan itu hebat, tetapi apa yang Anda lakukan jika Anda perlu menyalin teks yang dihapus sebelumnya tanpa menolak pekerjaan yang telah Anda lakukan? Pos Tanya & Jawab SuperUser saat ini memiliki beberapa saran yang bermanfaat untuk kesusahan menyalin teks pembaca yang frustrasi.
Mampu memiliki Microsoft Word melacak perubahan yang Anda buat saat Anda melakukan itu hebat, tetapi apa yang Anda lakukan jika Anda perlu menyalin teks yang dihapus sebelumnya tanpa menolak pekerjaan yang telah Anda lakukan? Pos Tanya & Jawab SuperUser saat ini memiliki beberapa saran yang bermanfaat untuk kesusahan menyalin teks pembaca yang frustrasi.

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami SuperUser - subdivisi Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs web Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser Tomas ingin tahu cara menyalin teks yang dihapus di Microsoft Word:

I want to copy text that has been marked as deleted in earlier revisions of my document, then paste it into another document. But when I select it with my mouse and go to copy it, it says “The selection is marked as deleted text” and nothing is copied to the clipboard. Is there a solution other than rejecting the deletion?

Bagaimana Anda menyalin teks yang dihapus di Microsoft Word?


Kontributor SuperUser DavidPostill memiliki jawabannya untuk kami:

Solution 1

  1. Select the deleted text plus an extra word.
  2. Then you should be able to copy it without getting the error message.
  3. Paste the text into the other document.
  4. Delete the extra word.

Source: Can’t Copy Text Marked as Deleted [Office Forums]

Solution 2

Use the following VBA code:


Now I can go into any Track Change balloon, select deleted text and hit Alt-1. Yes, perhaps it is silly, but you cannot copy selected deleted text in VBA either. However, you can make a public string variable that selects text.

Now I can move the selection out of the balloon to wherever I want. I can hit Alt-2 and the previously selected deleted text is typed in. It will of course be marked as a Track Change insert.

Note that when you move the selection out of the Track Change balloon (where you grabbed the deleted text), you can use the selection however you like. The deleted text’s contents are in a string variable, NOT text associated with the selection itself. You can do other stuff and when you are ready, type in the deleted text with an Alt-2.

Source: Word Says “Marked as Deleted Text” [Tek-Tips]

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