Mengapa Beberapa Plugs Jaringan Memiliki Selimut dan Beberapa Naked?

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Mengapa Beberapa Plugs Jaringan Memiliki Selimut dan Beberapa Naked?
Mengapa Beberapa Plugs Jaringan Memiliki Selimut dan Beberapa Naked?

Video: Mengapa Beberapa Plugs Jaringan Memiliki Selimut dan Beberapa Naked?

Video: Mengapa Beberapa Plugs Jaringan Memiliki Selimut dan Beberapa Naked?
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Berkeliaran di kantor cukup lama dan Anda akan melihat tren yang berbeda dalam pemasangan kabel jaringan. Beberapa kabel memiliki konektor tertutup dan beberapa kabel telanjang. Apa tujuan dari penutup steker kecil?
Berkeliaran di kantor cukup lama dan Anda akan melihat tren yang berbeda dalam pemasangan kabel jaringan. Beberapa kabel memiliki konektor tertutup dan beberapa kabel telanjang. Apa tujuan dari penutup steker kecil?

Sesi Tanya & Jawab Hari ini hadir untuk memberi kami hak milik sub divisi SuperUser—a Stack Exchange, pengelompokan situs Q & A berbasis komunitas.


Pembaca SuperUser Michael Kjörling ingin tahu:

Some RJ45 plugs have an exposed lock release clip, like this:

However, others place the release clip under a rubber cover, like this:
However, others place the release clip under a rubber cover, like this:
I find that the rubber cover is almost never anything but a nuisance.
I find that the rubber cover is almost never anything but a nuisance.
  • Does it actually have a function besides being annoying?
  • Can I take a suitable tool and simply cut it off without affecting the cable’s function?

Mengambil alat-alat tangan ke penutup karet kecil yang miskin tampaknya agak ekstrim. Haruskah Michael meninggalkan penutupnya?


Kontributor SuperUser Journeyman Geek menawarkan beberapa wawasan:

From experience, those retention clips break off a lot on the first sort of cables – those are fine for cables that are well protected and/or going to be plugged in and forgotten, but the moment those clips bend the wrong way, they break, and you end up with a cable that dosen’t clip in place. They also snag each other sometimes and are just a PITA.

Cable boots (yes thats the proper name for them) keep cables from snagging, those clips from breaking, and generally ensure the cable dies from other things, like rabbit attacks, pruning shear accidents, and backhoe incidents. On the other hand, those cables are not slipping out from their sockets cause a tiny bit of plastic broke, and thats whats important.

Feel free to remove them, or get cables without them, but I personally find them pretty useful (and cables with them tend to be better made in many cases). They have no major structural or electrical purpose.

Kontributor lain, oKtoSite memberikan keyakinan lain untuk utilitas add-on kabel:

When retracting a RJ45 plug through narrow tubing or around corners, the clip tends to snap off, effectively making the network cable useless in most environments. The rubber dome (most commonly referred to as a cable boot) nearly always prevents that from happening.

You wouldn’t know how many network cables I’ve seen with broken off clips.

Setelah menarik bagian kabel kami yang adil, kami berdua dengan baik: sepatu bot itu berguna dan, kecuali Anda memiliki alasan kuat untuk melakukan sebaliknya, Anda harus membiarkannya.

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